
From Twickenham to the Rooftop

For the uninitiated, this video moves from the infamous Twickenham Sessions to the world renown and historically important final live performance on the rooftop at Apple studios. On a personal note, this song struck a cord with me when I first heard it at age 11. I quit listening to Beatles from age 18 to 38, and when I picked it up again, it was right there, at the top of my list.


Lex said...

Again, the hits go up a bit. Some of you will say, of course they do, Beatles baby! Ok. But it is virtually impossible for me to run a search on almost any topic (except obscure celtics stuff I write about) and get my stuff to come up.

Yet people find this place.

Interesting . . . to me at least.

Matty said...

love a bit of the beatles!

btw some REAL GOOD NEWS!
(if its true, sounds good to me though!)