
Free Throws Percentage: 86 C's v. 08 C's

On top of everything else they did well, the 1985-86 Boston Celtics hit their free throws.

Sichting shot .924 from the line, while Ainge shot .904, Bird shot .896, DJ .818, McHale .776, Parish .776, Walton .713, and Wedman .662.

As a team they shot .794 for the year.

The 2007-08 Celtics are shooting .767 from the line (Both teams got to the stripe about 27 times per game).

Individually, here are the numbers:

Jesus .916
House .893
Scal .857
Pierce .836
Garnett .795
Posey .779
TA .738
BBD .694
Powe .648
Perkins .606
Rondo .606

So the next question is whether free-throw proficiency has declined league-wide since the days of Bird, Barry, and beyond.

See the next post for your answer.

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