"Perk fouled a couple people hard," said Celtics coach Doc Rivers. "He threw a couple elbows. I saw three or four people grabbing their face and saying, 'Wow, Perk must be back.' So that's what he does.
--Today's Globe
Welcome back #43.
Stay healthy.
I love Perk. I love his intensity and work ethic and his willingness to do the dirty work. A lot of people don't give him credit for all he does because it isn't the flashy stuff and doesn't show up in the box scores, but Perk is very crucial to the success of this team. I like the fact that Doc recognized that not only does KG make his teammates better, but Perk makes KG better. I am glad that people are finally seeing what I have seen in this kid all along.
78 regular season games.
25 playoff games.
That's a quasi iron man.
Underrated on that front too.
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