I take a lot of Celtics-related stuff personally, too personally, I might even admit.
But I gotta tell ya, I'm sick and tired of this "Fire McHale" & "McHale should resign" crap (oh wait, that's a link to an article saying the Celtics "resigned" McHale. Try this link). Ok, the dude has made some bad moves. I'm sure you can Google a list of them. No one would dispute the boneheadedness of his choice to memorialize in writing what should have been a wink-and-a-nod deal with Joe Smith.
But as someone once wrote:
[Y]ou can hardly fault McHale for everything else that has transpired under his watch--Marbury demanding a trade, Malik Sealy dying in a car accident, Tom Googliotta demanding a trade, Latrell Sprewell demanding a max contract, Terrell Brandon suffering a career ending injury, and Sam Cassell demanding that his contract be renegotiated two years before it expired.
I understand the Learch wants to be on board when the franchise has turned the corner. But I've got a different piece of advice.
Just quit.
In two years, come back to Boston as Danny's special assistant.
KG will still be here. Who knows, maybe we'll be talking about back-to-back-to-back-to-back by then.
The point is this:
End your suffering now, and do the right thing.
Come home where you are appreciated.
I'm sure Danny would let you buy the champagne for the locker room.
Maybe he'd even let you drive a duck boat.
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