
"He’s Got his Quickness Back"

That's the latest report on KG from Jess Camerato. Now I do agree with Bill Simmons on one point. I find it pathetic that Celtics' fans have to piece together bits of news from a variety of sources to form a fuller picture about the status of Kevin Garnett's knee. But if that is what we have to do, so be it. So he has his quickness back. Great. Next, maybe Peter May can tell us about his lateral movement. Jackie Mack can tell us about his agility. Finally Bob Ryan, Mark Murphy, or someone else can fill us in on his power game and defensive prowess.

Come on, gang, we know you can do it.

Investigate, nose around, and report back.


1 comment:

Lex said...

Ryan, I responded under the wrong post earlier. So I'm reposting here:

Per wiki

At age 69, retired as a Grizzlies general manager in 2007 and turned over managing duties to Chris Wallace,

Still, I say he had a hand in the gasol trade.