
“I can remember when I played, I wouldn’t shake anybody’s hands after a loss,” Bird said.

Said Johnson: “The Celtics and Lakers, we never shook anybody’s hands.”


Lex said...

The Celtics and Lakers were too good to shake anybody's hands.

Lex said...

I wonder how the level of dislike between the C's and L's today compares to the 80s? I think it's getting close.

Partner, Ryvin Wallace Group said...

one more finals meeting and I think the level of dislike will match the 80s!

Lex said...

I agree. I'm pretty much already there, and all I'm doing is watching . . .

The Kid said...

That's funny because nowadays Lebron does the same thing and he's a bad guy, and even older the Pistons do it in '91 and they're bad guys.