
Celtics Consider Changing Name to Graybeards

With Garnett signed for another two years and with Pierce and Ray Allen seeking multiyear deals, the Big Three could be together for longer than Ainge expected, and he has to determine how long this group should remain intact. And don't be stunned if Wallace reconsiders his retirement stance now that Rivers has made his decision.


Oh boy.

I can hardly contain my excitement about watching these guys grow even older and less effective together.


Matty said...

i think in the long run, that it might be pushing it, i agree. But i reckon they still have something to offer this year, it depends on what we put around them. my main worry is how long we offer ray a deal for, and for how much, he is my favourite player, but he is already 34, so 2 years at most.

i still think we can do something at least for next season.

but im with you, after that might get a bit more interesting!

Lex said...

Best case scenario we got lots of new pieces/parts and more than 2 are new weapons.