
The Blame Game: It was Strictly a Rim Job

I just saw a piece on ESPN where the Lakers' European Three-Point specialists (sorry, I refuse to learn how to spell their names. Hell, it's taken me six months to figure out Gasol spells his name "Pau" not "Pao") were complaining about the Celtics rims being inflexible.


Imagine that.

The rims lost game 1.

I wonder why the rims didn't affect the Celtics the same way?

Pretty soon it will be time for Kareem to get out the oxygen tank and Riles to plug in the portable fans.

If we're gonna start pointing fingers, we might as well air the old excuses with the new.


FLCeltsFan said...

I really had to laugh when I read that they were blaming the rims. I guess it is like the old parquet floor with the dead spots. The Celtics knew where they were. I remember one game where DJ was kind of hurding a defender up the court and when the ball went down and didn't come back up, he swooped in to get it.

Amazing how they blame everything but the Celtics defense and their own failings.

Lex said...

Yeah we are pretty close to getting deep into their psyche.

Win game two and we're sitting pretty.