I often use pronouns like "we" and "our" when referencing the Boston Celtics. Not many other bloggers do, despite the informality of the forum. I get teased about it quite a bit. I never played for the Celtics. I've never worked for their organization. I never even owned a share of Celtics' stock.
But when I say "we" and "our," I'm not using those words tongue in cheek or even saying them half-heartedly or with qualification. I've been a die-hard fan for 34+ years. Now think about that number. How many other relationships last that long? Mom, Dad, other blood relatives, and a few friends.
The list isn't long.
The Boston Celtics are on that list for me.
I root for them like a parent roots for their son or daughter. When ML Carr took over I thought that was a good move. When he proceeded to tank games and go for Duncan, I supported the decision. I backed the Pitino and O'Brien regimes, and cheered loudly for the Chris-Wallace-to- Danny-Ainge handoff that accompanied the change in ownership. And, of course, I was there for the championships, ten during my lifetime, six that I remember.
I didn't cry for any of them...until last night.
My emotions were largely in check for the first three quarters, and then things started to slip.
Shots of Hondo, Jo Jo, and Heinsohn reminded me of the era when I first became a fan. Danny Ainge getting mobbed by KG, Ray Ray and Paul softened me up a bit more. Then came the Russell-KG embrace. As they hugged, we could hear them talk. "I got one of my own. I got one of my own."
My eyes started welling up.
Limo (Michele Tafoya) then interviewed Garnett. Limo goes way back with KG. She was one of the talking heads on KFAN Minneapolis. KG wasn't holding back. He started paying tribute to his roots: "Sota," "Chicago," the list kept growing. Then he started giving shout outs to his family. "Top of the world, Mom. Top of the World."
That was it.
I lost it.
The tears kept running through the locker room celebration.
Russell, Heinsohn, Jo Jo, Hondo, and the others may not know me. But I feel like I know them, and I feel like they've been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. So does the rest of Celtic Nation, or at least a good chunk of it. To me we are all of one blood.
That's why I use "we" and "our."
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