
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

While the Lakers spent most of October and November sending messages to anyone who cared to listen, Doc Rivers and the Boston Celtics waited until after Thanksgiving before sending a message of their own.

The next holiday on the Calendar is Christmas, and with the Zen Mistress firing shots across the bow and the rest of the Lakers still stewing over the June 17th blowout, the Celtics thought they'd see what would happen if they played some down-and-dirty D. You know, the kind they played all of last year and for parts of this year.

The result?

28 points given up in the first quarter.

Oh wait.

It took Philadelphia two entire quarters before they scored 28 points.

The Celtics don't need to thump their chests, pull their jerseys, and taunt opposing crowds like they did last year.

They already proved what they needed to prove.

But it's always nice to send an early Christmas greeting to anyone on the Left Coast who might be paying attention.

And with 30 assists posted tonight, I think we can all agree that the Celtics are well on their way to ironing out the wrinkles in their offense.

This Boston Celtics team now reminds me of last year's team in one very important respect:

They like to win.

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