
The Furor over Danny's Hair


It appears that Danny Ainge has gone grey.

I’m not sure whether he was previously coloring his hair or the stress finally got to him, though in a video at Red’s Army Danny suggests he was coloring it. The way I look at it is this: Red Auerbach once had red hair. It went grey. Danny Ainge, his replacement, is in the same predicament. No worries. It's all part and parcel of being King of the NBA.

What I am more worried about is the extra weight sported by some former Celtics. Last December, several months before Danny’s heart attack, I wrote this:

One thing that has been sitting in my craw for some time now is the physical condition, or lack thereof, of THE GREATEST BASKETBALL TEAM EVER TO WALK THE PLANET. Watch the 1986 DVDs and then look at pictures or videos of the same players today. Bird--At least 50 pounds heavier, probably more.McHale--Massive gut. Ainge--Bloated. Walton--He is either pregnant or drinks a lot of beer. DJ--He's literally gone to seed, six-feet under, due in part to being overweight.The only player who has remained svelte is Robert Parish, and God bless him.

Since the heart attack, Danny's jowls seem to have receded. This is a good sign. Larry Bird? I'm still worried about him. You combine the above picture with the 2008 NBA Finals Bird-Magic video, and your level of concern tends to grow. Bird's face looks gigantic!

Come on, Larry. Can't you buy a treadmill or something?

Since Bill Walton can't walk or ride a stationary bike, I'm not sure what to do about him. McHale doesn't get around well any more either. But it might be nice if we don't have to keep reading about emergency room visits because these guys can't take care of themselves.

Hey, wait. I have an idea. How about if y'all eat and drink a little less?

What a novel idea.

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