I have no memory of Boswell scoring as much as he apparently did, however occasionally he may have done it
Actually I don't remember Boswell much at all. I do, however, remember the dark days of Wicks and "They don't put your W/L record on your checks." Rowe.
This was an odd team. Stigmatized by Wicks and Rowe, you could still see moments where they looked pretty deep. Must have frustrated tommy and red.
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I have no memory of Boswell scoring as much as he apparently did, however occasionally he may have done it
Actually I don't remember Boswell much at all. I do, however, remember the dark days of Wicks and "They don't put your W/L record on your checks." Rowe.
This was an odd team. Stigmatized by Wicks and Rowe, you could still see moments where they looked pretty deep. Must have frustrated tommy and red.
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